After very long procedures with the TAAF Administration, Thierry F6CUK has just received a letter from the Prefect giving him a favorable opinion to take part in the OP4-2022 rotation in the OP1-2023 rotation, i.e. from December 2022 to March 2023 , more than two months only radio operator on Crozet. The call sign request will follow. We will have to wish him a lot of courage to face the very many and immense pile-ups that this will raise because we must be aware that Crozet is the 3rd DXCC entity in the world. most wanted … The last activity since Crozet by Florentin F4DYW with the code FT5WQ dates from 2009! QSL I SOK VIA MDXC QSL SERVICE

Crozet 2022