Statute of Mediterraneo DX Club

We resolve to approve the following statute as regulator of relationship between members of the MDXC.
We recognize member’s liberty to disagree and leave MDXC at any time, when the Club will not answer to the principles of which it was inspired.

Art. 1
The Mediterraneo DX Club brings together, non-profit, all radio-amateur and SWL around the world without distinction of race, religion and political belief.

Art. 2
Purposes of MDXC:
– to finance DX-peditions of great importance with economic or organizational aid;
– to promote mutual understanding through the Radio;
– to increase cultural and technical exchanges with similar Clubs;
– to set up Diplomas and Contests with the only economical purpose of financing expeditions and teams

Art. 3
May be admitted to MDXC, radio-amateurs and SWL of impeccable morality who apply through the special form to be sent to MDXC’s secretary.

Art. 4
MDXC members will receive, as acknowledgment of their membership, a special certificate with their registration number, in addition to any informational material. Club members are entitled to:
– attend all events and meetings held both at national and at local level, exclusion made for meetings and assemblies reserved, by law or by statute, only to founders
– take advantage of the services that the Club agreed with various companies or other Club
– use the Club logo on their personal QSL

Art. 5
Club initiatives beyond normal management will be submitted to founding members; could not be approved those initiatives that are clearly not intended to achieve the purposes set out in this Regulation.

Art. 6
All of various groups, teams, regional and provincial coordinators , will locally adopt the most appropriate solutions to achieve greater development of MDXC in their respective seats.

Art. 7
All members have equal rights and offices are assigned to improve awareness of the Club

Art. 8
Organs of MDXC are: basic assembly – board of directors – founder members

Art. 9
The basic assembly is made up by all members of the Club.
The basic assembly meets once a year and whenever necessary, convened and presided by the President or, in his absence, the vice-president;
The basic assembly:
– approves the yearly budget
– discusses all problems submitted by members and takes action about it

Art. 10
The Board of Directors is made up by president, secretary and vice-presidents.

Art. 11
Membership status is lost due to withdrawal or exclusion.
Withdrawal: the member may withdraw from the club at any time; he must give written notice by registered letter or e-mail to the national secretariat; withdrawal will take effect from the year following the one in which it was requested. Withdrawal will occur if a member does not renew by paying the annual membership fee.
Exclusion: the Board of Directors may proceed to exclude a member.

Art. 12
Every year, during the meeting, the Board may change the registration number of deserving members, as recognition for their efforts in favor of the Club.

Art. 13
Offices of regional and provincial coordinators are nominated by members of the region and / or province jurisdiction and ratified by the secretary of the club. This offices will be held in regions with more than 10 members and provinces with more than 5 members; votes will be held every 3 years.

Art. 14
Coordinators of foreign countries are elected by the Board of Directors, after consultation with members of the concerned territory. This office is expected to figure in countries with more than 10 members.

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