The 6th World Meeting of Mediterraneo has just drawn down its courtain in complete success.
This year the main social event of MDXC took place, for the first time, in Northen Italy thanks to the care of all Members of Busto Arsizio (VA). They always believed in the growth and development of our Club, an enthusiasm shown also in this occasion.
However, the Meeting has been possible thanks to the essential application of the Sezione ARI di Busto Arsizio, Compendiofiere and the eroic work of Fabrizio Zanarotti IK2KXC and Giuliano Mondini IK2VUC (MDXC Coordinator of Lombardia).
All participants, arrived since Saturday morning, used this occasion to visit also the Busto Hamfest, one of the largest events in Italy.
At 2pm the welcome speech given by Antonio Cannataro IZ8CCW (President of MDXC) has officially opened the 6th World Meeting. Becouse of the extensive agenda, the Presitent talked succinctly about all realized projects during the last year and future perspectives of MDXC. He also took stock of the situation and talked about the good health of Mediterraneo after 13 years of activity.

Microphone to the 1st speaker: Fabrizio Vedovelli IN3ZNR, one of the activators of ST0R South Sudan, who honoured MDXC with the 1st public report of South Sudan DXpedition.
Nothwithstanding pictures slided enough fast on the big screen he showed for more than one hour the organization and backstage of the adventure.
Very interesting also an exclusive preview of the official ST0R video.
It’s the turn of K9AJ Michael McGirr. The speech was about his last activation in Point Lay Barrier Island IOTA NA-242 (Alaska), a land where everything is difficult for climate and very low temperatures. He spent his birthday in a very unusual way, far from comforts and heat of our latitudes.

Surely different from K9AJ has been the experience of I2DMI Frank Di Michele who talked about his holyday-style DXpedition in CE0Y, Easter Is. It is not so easy to organize a micro-DXpedition in the opposite side of the world and share time for holiday, family and radio but Frank did it perfectly. CE0Y operations have been exclusively in RTTY. An interesting video showed the other side of the fence, when calling stations from all continents filled the waterfall window of MMVARI software. CE0Y/I2DMI has been the first assisted DXpedition by Mediterraneo DX Club: we provided to set up the personal website with online logbook.
Closes the list of speakers IK8LOV Max Laconca, who talked on the relationship between internet and amateur radio activity. In particular how DXpeditions organization is changed and is influenced by the presence of internet. This is the reason why Mediterraneo DX Club proposes more and new added value offers to support DXpeditions.
The Meeting session culminated with the prize giving ceremony for MDXC Contests, by IZ5MOQ Alessandro Graziani and the President IZ8CCW.

In the evening everybody met again to the Gala Dinner at Hotel Pineta. The nice and friendly atmosphere of the Dinner held everybody until the end, in the late night. During the Dinner we drunk to the health of Vinicio Ravizza IK2CIO for his birthday: the celebration of his firsts 50 years!
Sunday morning has been dedicated to exams for the USA amateur radio licence (all levels). Examiners: K9AJ, K1CCW, N7CIO, K9XYL, K4AS, N2DN.
It is impossible to mention and say thank you to everyone, but our special thanks are also for K9AJ and wife (K9KYL) from the USA, HA9PP from Hungary, all friends from Switzerland and other foreign countries.
See you to the 7th World Meeting 2012!
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Andy RZ3EM
Great Meeting!
Russian Robinson Club would like to say HELLO to all participants!
You do a great job fro promotion of friendship and nice relationship between HAMs world wide! Well done! Keep this for ages!
Andy RZ3EM (on behalf of RRC)
Andy, thanks for your comment, I must say that humanity continues to fall in wars, revolutions, in contrast to that put man vs. man, The Radio is the true way that brings people together, although we are far more close as brothers.
Thank you for all who work with your club RRC
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