Brunei Darussalam 2012: V84SMD

Gemilang Amateur Radio Station & Mediterraneo Dx Club, this is the twinning of the...

St.Paul Island, CY9M 2012

We are pleased to announce a new DXpedition to CY9M – St. Paul Island. Here is...

E51M North Cook Is. (IOTA OC-014)

We are happy to announce a new DXpedition to Manihiki Is. from March 28...

First photos from PJ4C, Bonaire

News from Bonaire. At the end of the 1st weekend PJ4C logbook reached over...

QSL card preview 9N7MD

The QSL Card 9N7MD is ready. In February, will begin shipping operations. Other info on: https://www.mdxc.org/nepal2011/

The 6th World Meeting 2011 in short

The 6th World Meeting of Mediterraneo has just drawn down its courtain in complete...